Zikir Harian + Tasbih (donate)

by kedai


non disponible

Zikir Harian will change and display the zikir of the day. Also comes with a tasbih/counter to help.This is the donate version to cover for development costs, which comes ad free. You can get the free one at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kedai.zikirharian
Tap the count button or use volume up. Tap Dim button to dim screen or scroll up to try lessen screen battery usage.
Enable "Shake" to shake the phone to increase the zikir count. With Shake enabled, turn off screen and shake the phone to add to our count.
Now, we can save our tasbih to different location, and load them again to continue where we left off.
We are recommended to say the zikir 1000x or more. Ihya Ulumuddin - Sesiapa yang beristiqamah mengamalkan wirid harian ini, insya-Allah diberkati hidupnya dan dikekalkan hidayah dan taufiq serta mati dalam iman.
Suggestions? email me#zikir #zikr #daily #tasbeeh #tasbih